Wednesday, January 12, 2011

iBury - Death by Steve Jobs

If I were to bury myself...that would be morbid...burying oneself alive. Okay better start. If I were able to choose what was buried with me it probably be in a fantastic way with which to screw with the data of the Archaeologists of the future.
First and foremost I would like to be buried in my van. Remove the rear seats so that my body can be placed, laying down, in the resulting flat bed. This would save my family a fortune in coffin fees (honestly a couple thousand bucks for a nice wooden box that is then buried, don't get it) and my eventual tomb can also be used as a hurst. Like McDonald's my grave will be a drivethru, or atleast an A&W drive-in.
I will not be dressed in a suit. Just my favorite shirt and jeans with skate shoes will do (just in case i'm wrong about the whole "no afterlife" thing I don't want to arrive naked or over dressed). Also included will be my favorite black hoodie (afterlife could be cold) and my Indianna Jones style felt fedora (every archaeologist should have one, only $39.99 at Eddie Bauer). I would also like to be given a purple cloak (to signify to future archaeologists that I am royalty).

Items included will be as follows:
My car keys (afterlife with a car: Thor and I are going cruising)
Pocket Knife (endlessly useful and prized possession)
Longboard (endlessly useful and prized possession)
Longsword (to get into Valhalla and for the eventual Ragnorak)
Shotgun (to keep me from rising as a zombie)
Garlic (to keep me from rising as a pussy sparkly skinned Twilight Vampire)
An autographed picture of Rick Mercer (to keep me from rising as a Conservative)
A sack of Gold coins (for bribery)
Fourty-Licks Rolling Stones CD #1 (in the cars CD Player, set on continuous play, rockin' out while dead)
A bell, shovel, and air tank with rebreather (incase I was only in a coma)

Bury van in Rose Bay Cemetary with human sacrifices thank you.
Headstone that simply reads "I Win!"
In lue of flowers please send money (suckers).

Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm here for
Eitherway anyone else bought their textbook's yet. Yesterday I spent $216 on 3 texts and a course pack. The most valuable being the $17 CP, anyone who has taken any of Dr. Bottings classes can attest to this. However were any of these texts Anthro related, hell no. Anthropology, other them philosophy, is one of the few departments where you will learn more from attending lectures, asking questions, listening to the teacher, and taking notes then by reading a textbook. In fact it's hard to justify buying them when you know that you probably won't even crack the spin all year and will have therefore wasted your money on it. Anthro texts seemed to be written by those anthropologists who have time to dedicate to writing it. The rest are out interviewing, conducting reasearch in a lab, or getting muddy in the pursuit of various truths about humanity. I don't trust those anthropologists who spend more time writting texts and articles that critique other's work then conducting work of thier own. So I say go to hell textbook author and take your longwinded, dry as vermouth, hundred dollar tomb with you. I'll stick with the stories and knowledge of those who have spent time in the field and are all the wiser because of it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anth 392

Well here is my new blog for Anth 392. lets see where it will take us.