Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm here for
Eitherway anyone else bought their textbook's yet. Yesterday I spent $216 on 3 texts and a course pack. The most valuable being the $17 CP, anyone who has taken any of Dr. Bottings classes can attest to this. However were any of these texts Anthro related, hell no. Anthropology, other them philosophy, is one of the few departments where you will learn more from attending lectures, asking questions, listening to the teacher, and taking notes then by reading a textbook. In fact it's hard to justify buying them when you know that you probably won't even crack the spin all year and will have therefore wasted your money on it. Anthro texts seemed to be written by those anthropologists who have time to dedicate to writing it. The rest are out interviewing, conducting reasearch in a lab, or getting muddy in the pursuit of various truths about humanity. I don't trust those anthropologists who spend more time writting texts and articles that critique other's work then conducting work of thier own. So I say go to hell textbook author and take your longwinded, dry as vermouth, hundred dollar tomb with you. I'll stick with the stories and knowledge of those who have spent time in the field and are all the wiser because of it.

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