Thursday, March 24, 2011

Display? or Not to Display? for that is the question.

To be honest I can understand why people would have such a moral objection to having their relatives displayed to the general public. In most socities death is a private affair, sure a funeral can be very public but once the body is disposed of it is never looked at agian or at least it's not sappous to be. That said, in my personal opinion, if the Smithsonian wanted to display my bones, probably with the tagline "Homo Moreawesomethenyou", I probably wouldn't care oneway or another as I would be very dead by then. As I do not believe in an afterlife, though reincarnation would be cool (as long as I don't come back as a silverfish), I have no real qualms with what happens to me after i'm dead. Yet I can't help but think what I could be used for once i've died and left behind a handsome corpse. I could be placed in a museum, used to teach students in a university, or used by the members of Delta Tau Chi in a hilarious prank against the Dean of Admissions (CHEESE IT!!!)
However that said I must say it is beyond me as to why the Smithsonian has a warehouse or two filled with skeletons. If one were to be found with hundreds of thousands of skeletons in one's garage or basement, one would be branded "crazy" and locked up. Though if you plead in the name of science you might just get away with it. Personally I think what needs to happen is for some authority or other to tell the museums that they can't have anymore skeletons untill after they have finished with the ones still on their plate. Lets first organize and see what you have before digging up and storing anymore. In a way it is sort of like a horrible episode of Hoarders:

NAGPRA - Now Smithsonian do you know why we are here today?
SMITHSONIAN - Oh I know why! You wanna take my babies!! Well you can't have them!!!
NAGPRA - Smithsonian listen, these aren't your babies they are the remains of other peoples relatives. You have a problem but we can help you.
SMITHSONIAN - NO!!! Get away from me!!!! Their mine! All Mine! No one else can have them! I need them!

I can understand having a few skeletons, mummies, what have you in order to study and display in your museum. Where would we be if doctors in the 1800s hadn't studied cadavers in secrecy? or if Leonardo hadn't stolen corpses from graveyards to disect? But to store an untold number of human remains in massive warehouses like some Arch of the Covanent, well it just doesn't make sense. I say return the majority of the bones and human remains and only keep a few for studying.

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